ARTE’s 28 Minutes magazine on Thursday 6 February looked at the aviation of tomorrow. Raphaël Domjan, President of the PlanetSolar Foundation, took part in the debate and presented the SolarStratos mission. The discussion was moderated by Élisabeth Quin, with other guests Laurent Castaignède, engineer, and Caroline Bruneau, aviation journalist.
What are the prospects for electric, solar and hydrogen-powered aviation? Is the 100% green aircraft ready for take-of tomorrow? Can electric motors work? Solar, hydrogen, airships: where do we stand? Flying less: necessary or illusory? The exchange of views – and images of tomorrow’s aircraft, including HB-SXA from SolarStratros – was quite… showy.
“I hope I succeeded in conveying an essential message: we must approach the challenges ahead with optimism! If we fail to give young people prospects, we risk dragging our civilisation into despair… The consequences would be stagnation and the status quo. It’s not aeroplanes that need to go green, but our world and our skie”, commented Raphaël Domjan after the programme.
The PlanetSolar and SolarStratos teams are delighted at the recognition that this invitation to their pilot and founder represents, for all our partners too. And for solar energy!
Missed this “28 Minutes”, here it is: